Program Description

Post-graduation (MDS) in Public Health Dentistry is a 3 years intensive program, involving training in a wide range of dental procedures and academics.
Number of residents each year: Three (3)
Total number of residents: Nine (9)

Program Highlights

• Theoretical exposure to all applied sciences.
• Health Promotion Program
• Special training in clinical examination & diagnosis.
• Submission of thesis synopsis within 6 months of joining.
• Participation in Inter-Departmental meets, seminars, journal club reviews, conferences, and conventions.
• Evaluation-Internal assessment exam

Second year
• Health Promotion Program, Outreach Programs
•Treatment of preventive cases like Atraumatic Restorative treatment, Topical Fluoride Application, and Pit and Fissure sealants.
• More involvement seminars, journal club reviews, workshops, conferences, and research works.
• Evaluation-Internal assessment exam
• Submission of Library Dissertation.

Third year
Management of Special cases.
• Submission of thesis six months before final exams.
• Presentation in didactic lectures.
• Evaluation-Internal assessment examination, 3 months before University exams.

Clinical Experience

The three years intensive program sequentially trains the residents and makes them self-confident for:

  • Atraumatic Restorative Treatment
  • Extractions
  • Minimum Invasive Dentistry
  • Oral Prophylaxis
  • Restorations
  • Prosthesis
  • Pit and Fissure Sealant

Didactic components

The department encourages residents to attend guest lectures and integrated lectures by multidisciplinary teams on selected topics to strengthen the training.
Journal club review
The journal club review meeting is held once a week. All residents & staff members participate actively.
The seminars are held twice a week covering the full syllabus concerned with departments starting from basic subjects and proceeding towards advancements.
Interdepartmental meeting
To encourage integration among various specialties, inter-departmental meetings are chaired by the dean with all heads of postgraduate departments and residents once in a month.
Teaching skills
Residents actively take part in undergraduate teaching programs either in the form of lectures or group discussions.

Research and Publications

During the 3 year residency, each resident is expected to complete at least one Library Dissertation, Thesis Dissertation, Two-term Dissertation, and one Publication. In addition to the above activities, the residents are required to attend speciality related Conferences and Workshops along with the presentation of Papers and Posters.