Clinical Cases

Examination of Patient

A consultation with a post-graduate student, or if the case may demand , with a senior staff , in which the history , clinical findings are recorded. Appropriate investigations are advised and a diagnosis of the condition or disorder, if any, the patient is suffering from is noted.

Radiographic Exercise

The department offers radiographic examination of the oral and peri-oral structures using various types including IOPA, bitewing, OPG, Lateral Cephalograms, PNS, PA, etc. A radiographic diagnosis is also provided and a final diagnosis reached on the basis of clinical, radiographic diagnosis and any investigatory reports.

Intra Lesional Injections

Medication, therapy and follow-up-in case the patient is suffering from any clinical diseases e.g. OSMF, Lichen Planus, etc, appropriate medications or therapy is provided and follow- up undertaken for the remission of the same.

Tens Therapy

For all types of dental treatment needed, the department provides referral to appropriate departments. This avoids confusion and unwarranted delay for the patient proper explanation of the conditions and the possible treatment modalities to the patient reassures him and provides clarity to what to expect next, during his treatment.