Best Practices

Best Practices

At the Surendera Dental College, two best practices stand out in creating a conducive learning environment and fostering community engagement.

Firstly, the institute prioritizes student support and services through a well-structured counseling and mentoring system. Faculty members provide emotional support, problem-solving assistance, goal-setting guidance, and conflict resolution strategies through counseling. Simultaneously, the mentor-mentee system ensures long-term, goal-oriented relationships where experienced mentors guide students based on their own experiences, facilitating personal growth and career development. The use of an ERP system for monthly grievance uploading ensures a systematic approach to grievance redressal, promoting transparency and timely resolution.

Secondly, selecting Best student after every assessment/every month

The institute hands out “Best Student/Intern of the Month” awards designed to recognize student achievement and to showcase accomplishments in academics, clinics and other categories.

  1. Every department selects best undergraduate student after every internal assessment, based on their academic and clinical performances.
  2. For the post-graduates, student of the month is selected from every department, as per their performance in the clinics.
  3. The library committee selects a student of the month, both UG and PG, based on the involvement & aptitude of the student, and their usage of the central library.


PG of the Month

Dr Arun Raj

(December 2024) Department of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics

Dr Osman Shaikh

(August 2024) Department of Public Health Dentistry

Dr kartik Sokhal

(November 2024) Department of Prosthodontics

Dr. Ruchika

(December 2024) Department of Periodontics

Dr. Thoihenbi Oinam

(September 2024) Department of Paediatric & Preventive Dentistry

Dr. Richa Singla

(December 2024) Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology

Dr. Shweta

(November 2024) Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Dr. Priya Jindal

(November 2024) Department of Conservative Dentistry and endodontics

Dr. Suhani Goyal

(December 2024) Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology

Intern of the Month

Naresh Kumar

(August 2024) Department of Public Health Dentistry

Hrishita Chugh

(November 2024) Department of Prosthodontics


(December 2024) Department of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics

Doli Rai

(December 2024) Department of Periodontics

Hanish Ahuja

(September 2024) Department of Paediatric & Preventive Dentistry

Mahak Galhotra

(December 2024) Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology

Gourav Soni

(November 2024) Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Kritika Sehagal

(November 2024) Department of Conservative Dentistry and endodontics

Aditi Pandey

(December 2024) Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology

Best Room of the Month

Dr. Ruchika

(November 2024) Department of Periodontics (PG 1st Year)
Room No. 04

Syed Abdul Rehman

(November 2024) 3rd Year Regular
Room No. 413