Master of Business Administration
Program Description
MBA programs prepare students for management, trade or general business career that can be conducted on a global scale. These programs typically offer internship opportunities through established companies, which allow students to gain hands-on experience in international business.
It is not a traditional Masters in offering specialized knowledge in one field. An MBA crosses all business boundaries, as well as covering other useful fields, including psychology, philosophy, economics, etc.
It is not a traditional Masters in offering specialised knowledge in one field. An MBA crosses all business boundaries, as well as covering other useful fields, including psychology, philosophy, economics, etc.
To provide the environment of international stature to enable the student managers develop their capabilities to face challenges in the emerging global scenario
- Equip the students with the requisite knowledge
- Skills to meet the challenges of the new order.
- Leadership and Teamwork
- A vigorous approach to productivity, excellence, innovation.
Program Highlights
First year
• Theoretical exposure of all applied sciences.
• Communication Skills improvement.
• Introduction to CAD software and isometric drawing.
• Basic Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Mechanics.
• Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
• Participation in seminars, workshops, conferences and conventions.
• Evaluation-Internal assessment exam of Basic Sciences.
Second year
• Electronic devices & circuits theory
• Data structures & algorithms
• Digital Electronics
• Linux and Shell Programming
• Microprocessors and Interfaces
• Software Engineering
• More involvement in presentations, Inter Departmental meets, workshops.
• Understanding and treating various defects and anomalies related to root canals.
• Evaluation-Internal assessment exam in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics .

Third year
• Computer Architecture
• Digital Logic Design
• Telecommunication Fundamentals
• Database Management Systems
• Operating Systems
• Advanced Data Structure
• Digital Signal Processing
• Information Theory & Coding
• Computer Networks
• Design and Analysis of Algorithms
• Theory Of Computation
• Computer Graphics and Multimedia Techniques
• Embedded System Design
• Advance Topics in Operating Systems
• Artificial Intelligence
• Java Programming Lab
Final year
• Cloud Computing
• Information System Security
• Data Mining & Ware Housing
• Computer Aided Design for VLSI
• Compiler Construction
• Robotics
• Mobile Computing
• Digital Image Processing
• Distributed Systems
• Hardware Testing & Fault Tolerance
• Real Time Systems
• Project
Didactic components
Department encourages students to attend guest lectures and integrated lectures by other branches on selected topics to strengthen the training.
All the students & staff members participate actively in various technical workshops.
The seminars are held covering syllabus concerned to department starting from basic subjects and proceeding towards advancements.
Inter departmental meeting
To encourage integration among various technologies, inter departmental meetings are chaired by the principal with all heads of departments and faculties once in a month.
Group Discussions
Students actively take part in under graduate programs in the form of group discussions.

The 4 year long programme provides ample exposure to the computer Science students in the field of Computer Science & Technology. They learn to deal with a variety of Programming Languages, Software and plan the best methods or algorithms for problem solving accordingly.
They are taught c-lanaguage first of all.rained in fixed mechanotherapy using metal bracket system, ceramic or aesthetic bracket system, as well as newer modalities such as lingual system and clear aligner system.
Computer application appliances like myofunctional appliances and headgears are also fabricated and delivered as per the requirements of the eclipse, my SQL , DBMS
Orthodontic mini-implants are also widely used in correcting various malocclusions with precision and great success.
Various procedures which require inter-disciplinary approach like orthognathic surgeries, cleft lip surgeries, cleft palate surgeries, full mouth rehabilitation procedures are also planned and carried out.