The specialty of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge aims to train dental graduates to ensure higher competence in both general and special areas of prosthodontics and prepare a candidate for teaching, research and clinical abilities, including prevention and aftercare in Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge.

PG Program

The program outline addresses the knowledge, procedural and operative skills needed for a Master’s Degree in Prosthodontics. A minimum of 3 years of formal training through a graded system of education as specified will enable the trainee to achieve a Master’s & Degree in Prosthodontics, Crown & Bridge and Implantology, competently and have the necessary skills/ knowledge to update themselves with advancements in the field.

UG Program

Undergraduate students (BDS) start their Prosthodontic learning in the first year of the BDS course which continues into their final year and Internship. The learning is both didactic and clinical. Basics are first taught through lectures and demonstrations during the first and second years of under graduation followed by supervised clinical work on patients.

Interns & CDE

Interns timely update their knowledge with recent updates in Prosthodontics through professional enrichment and continue dental education programs / special lectures by eminent Speakers.